How Many Angels Should We Know?

May 23, 2023

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The Belief in Angels

As Muslims, we believe in the existence of angels. They are created by Allah SWT from light and they have no free will. They are obedient to Allah SWT and carry out His commands. Angels are not visible to the naked eye but they are present all around us.

The Number of Angels

The exact number of angels is known only to Allah SWT. However, there are some important angels that we should know about.

1. Jibril (Gabriel)

Jibril is the archangel who brought the revelation from Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is also responsible for bringing down the rain and controlling the winds.

2. Mikail (Michael)

Mikail is the angel who is responsible for the distribution of sustenance. He is also responsible for the control of the seasons and the movements of the stars.

3. Israfil (Raphael)

Israfil is the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment. He is also responsible for keeping track of the deeds of all human beings.

4. Malik

Malik is the angel who is in charge of Hell. He is responsible for punishing the sinners and keeping the Hellfire burning.

5. Munkar and Nakir

Munkar and Nakir are the angels who question the souls of the deceased in the grave. They ask about the person's belief in Allah SWT and their good and bad deeds.

The Importance of Knowing About Angels

Knowing about angels is important because it increases our faith in Allah SWT. It also helps us to understand the unseen world and the power of Allah SWT. Believing in angels also helps us to understand the purpose of our existence and our duties as Muslims.


Although we do not know the exact number of angels, there are some important angels that we should know about. By learning about them, we can increase our faith in Allah SWT and understand our place in the world. May Allah SWT guide us all on the straight path.

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