What Is 'Confess' In Slang Language?

May 10, 2023

Mention Confess Artinya dalam Bahasa Gaul BukaKuy
Mention Confess Artinya dalam Bahasa Gaul BukaKuy from www.bukakuy.com


In the world of slang language, words and phrases are often used in a completely different context than their original meaning. One such slang term that has gained popularity in recent times is 'confess'. This article aims to explore the meaning and usage of 'confess' in the slang language.

What does 'Confess' mean?

In slang language, 'confess' means to reveal or share something that is usually kept hidden or secret. It is often used in the context of revealing one's feelings or thoughts about someone or something. For instance, if someone says, "I need to confess that I have a crush on my colleague," it means that they are revealing their true feelings about their co-worker.

Origins of 'Confess' in Slang Language

The origin of the word 'confess' in slang language is unclear. However, it is believed to have originated from the Christian practice of confessing one's sins to a religious authority. In slang language, this practice has been adapted to reveal one's personal thoughts or feelings to someone they trust.

Usage of 'Confess'

The word 'confess' is commonly used in social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. People often use this term to express their feelings or thoughts about a particular topic. For instance, if someone tweets, "I have to confess that I am addicted to chocolate," it means that they are revealing their love for chocolate, which is usually kept hidden.

Examples of 'Confess'

Here are some examples of how 'confess' can be used: 1. "I need to confess that I have a fear of heights." 2. "She confessed her love for him on Valentine's Day." 3. "I have to confess that I am a big fan of Taylor Swift." 4. "He confessed to cheating on his girlfriend." 5. "We need to confess our mistakes and move on."


In conclusion, 'confess' is a popular slang term that is used to reveal or share something that is usually kept hidden or secret. Its popularity has grown in recent times due to its usage on social media platforms. As with any slang term, its meaning and usage may vary depending on the context in which it is used.

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