Mandi Besar Setelah Haid: Why It's Important And How To Do It

March 13, 2023

Cara Mandi Wajib Yang Betul Dari JAKIM. Sangat Mudah!
Cara Mandi Wajib Yang Betul Dari JAKIM. Sangat Mudah! from

As a woman, you are probably familiar with the menstrual cycle and the various changes that come with it. At the end of each cycle, you will experience your period, which typically lasts for a few days to a week. Once your period is over, it is important to practice good hygiene and take care of your body. One of the most important things you can do is to take a mandi besar or full-body bath.

Why is Mandi Besar Important?

Mandi besar is a traditional practice that involves taking a bath with warm water and soap. It is believed to have many benefits, including:

  • Cleansing the body
  • Relaxing the muscles
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Preventing infections

During your period, your body is more susceptible to infections due to the changes in hormones and the shedding of the uterine lining. Taking a mandi besar can help to cleanse your body and prevent any infections from occurring.

How to Take a Mandi Besar

Here are the steps you can follow to take a mandi besar:

  1. Fill a bathtub or bucket with warm water
  2. Add some soap or body wash to the water
  3. Get into the water and use a washcloth or sponge to clean your entire body
  4. Pay special attention to your genital area and make sure to clean it thoroughly
  5. Rinse your body with clean water
  6. Pat your body dry with a clean towel

It is recommended to take a mandi besar after your period ends and to practice good hygiene throughout your menstrual cycle. This includes changing your pads or tampons regularly, washing your genital area with water and mild soap, and avoiding tight clothing that can cause irritation or infection.


Mandi besar is an important practice for women to maintain good hygiene and prevent infections. By taking a full-body bath with warm water and soap, you can cleanse your body, relax your muscles, and improve your overall health and well-being. Remember to practice good hygiene throughout your menstrual cycle and to take care of your body.

Mandi Besar

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