How Many Rakats Are There In Dhuhr Salah?

April 05, 2023

Berapa Rakaat Shalat Dzuhur Pada Hari Jumat
Berapa Rakaat Shalat Dzuhur Pada Hari Jumat from


Dhuhr Salah, also known as the midday prayer, is one of the five obligatory prayers in Islam. It is performed when the sun starts to decline from its zenith until it is at an angle of about 45 degrees. The question that arises among Muslims is how many rakats are there in Dhuhr Salah? Let's explore the answer to this question in this article.

The Number of Rakats in Dhuhr Salah

The Dhuhr Salah consists of four rakats, which means four units of prayer. Each rakat has a specific set of actions and recitations that must be performed. The first two rakats are considered to be the "fard" or obligatory, while the last two rakats are considered to be "sunna" or recommended.

The Actions in Each Rakat

In each rakat of Dhuhr Salah, the following actions must be performed: 1. Standing upright while saying "Allahu Akbar" (takbiratul ihram) 2. Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha followed by another Surah or some verses from the Quran 3. Bowing down while saying "Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem" 4. Standing up straight while saying "Sami Allahu liman hamidah" 5. Prostrating while saying "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la" 6. Sitting between the two prostrations while saying "Rabbighfirli" 7. Reciting Tashahhud and Salam to complete the rakat

The Importance of Dhuhr Salah

Dhuhr Salah is an important prayer in Islam as it is one of the five obligatory prayers. It is performed during the middle of the day, which is a time when people are usually busy with their work and daily activities. By taking a break from their routine, Muslims can connect with Allah and seek His blessings and guidance.

The Benefits of Performing Dhuhr Salah

There are several benefits of performing Dhuhr Salah, some of which are: 1. Increases faith and devotion to Allah 2. Helps in relieving stress and anxiety 3. Provides a break from the daily routine and helps in focusing on spirituality 4. Helps in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle by taking a break from work and other activities

The Importance of Performing Salah with Concentration

Performing Salah with concentration is important as it helps in connecting with Allah and seeking His blessings. It is essential to focus on the recitations and actions during Salah and avoid any distractions. This will help in achieving a deeper level of spirituality and devotion.


In conclusion, Dhuhr Salah consists of four rakats, and it is an important prayer in Islam. By performing Salah with concentration and devotion, Muslims can seek Allah's blessings and guidance and achieve a deeper level of spirituality.

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