Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur: The Benefits And Importance

July 08, 2023

Dapat syafaat dengan membaca surat Al Mulk dengan izin Allah ta'ala
Dapat syafaat dengan membaca surat Al Mulk dengan izin Allah ta'ala from


Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur, which means reading a Surah before sleeping, is a common practice among Muslims. It is a way of seeking blessings, protection, and guidance from Allah before retiring to bed. This practice has been passed down from generation to generation and is still relevant today. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and importance of Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur.

What is Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur?

Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur is the act of reciting a Surah from the Quran before going to sleep. It is a recommended practice in Islam, and it is believed to bring blessings and protection to the reciter. It is also a way of seeking Allah's guidance and forgiveness.

The Benefits of Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur

There are numerous benefits of Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur. Some of these benefits include:

1. Protection from Evil

Reciting Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas before sleeping provides protection from evil and harmful things. These Surahs are known as the ‘Mu’awwidhatayn’ or the two Surahs of refuge.

2. Peaceful Sleep

Reciting Surah Al-Mulk before sleeping provides a peaceful and restful sleep. It is believed that reciting this Surah before sleeping will protect the reciter from the punishment of the grave.

3. Increased Blessings

Reciting any Surah before sleeping brings blessings and rewards from Allah. It is a way of seeking Allah's pleasure and blessings.

4. Protection from Nightmares

Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah before sleeping provides protection from nightmares and bad dreams. It is believed that reciting this Surah before sleeping will protect the reciter from Shaytan.

The Importance of Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur

Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur is an important practice in Islam. It is a way of seeking Allah's blessings and guidance before retiring to bed. It is also a way of remembering Allah and seeking His forgiveness before sleeping.

1. Remembrance of Allah

Reciting Surahs before sleeping is a way of remembering Allah and seeking His blessings. It is a way of strengthening the relationship between the reciter and Allah.

2. Seeking Forgiveness

Reciting Surahs before sleeping is a way of seeking Allah's forgiveness. It is a way of acknowledging one's mistakes and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

3. Protection from Evil

Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur provides protection from evil and harmful things. It is a way of seeking Allah's protection and guidance.


In conclusion, Baca Surat Sebelum Tidur is an important practice in Islam. It provides numerous benefits, including protection from evil, peaceful sleep, increased blessings, and protection from nightmares. It is also an important way of seeking Allah's guidance and forgiveness. Therefore, it is recommended that Muslims should make this practice a part of their daily routine.

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