Characteristics Of Mad Thabii

July 30, 2023

Pengertian Mad Thabii Mad Ashli Dan Perangkat Sekolah
Pengertian Mad Thabii Mad Ashli Dan Perangkat Sekolah from


Mad Thabii is a type of Arabic grammar rule that deals with the elongation of certain letters in the Quran. It is a crucial concept for anyone learning to recite the Quran with proper pronunciation. In this article, we will explore one of the key characteristics of Mad Thabii.

What is Mad Thabii?

Before we dive into the characteristics of Mad Thabii, let's recap what it is. Mad Thabii is a type of elongation that occurs when the Arabic letter "baa" or "wow" has a sukoon (a mark indicating a pause) on it. When this happens, the letter that follows it is elongated.

The Characteristic

One of the key characteristics of Mad Thabii is that it only occurs at the end of a word. This means that if the letter "baa" or "wow" has a sukoon on it in the middle of a word, Mad Thabii does not apply. However, if the letter is at the end of a word and has a sukoon, then Mad Thabii applies.


Let's take a look at some examples to better understand this characteristic of Mad Thabii. In the word "kataba" (meaning "he wrote"), the letter "baa" is in the middle of the word and does not have a sukoon, so Mad Thabii does not apply. However, in the word "katab" (meaning "he wrote" but in the past tense), the letter "baa" is at the end of the word and has a sukoon, so Mad Thabii applies and the letter "baa" is elongated.

Why is it Important?

Understanding Mad Thabii is important for anyone learning to recite the Quran with proper pronunciation. Reciting the Quran with correct pronunciation is essential for Muslims, as it helps to preserve the integrity of the Quran and honor its message.


In conclusion, Mad Thabii is an important concept in Arabic grammar and Quranic recitation. One of its key characteristics is that it only occurs at the end of a word. By understanding and applying the rules of Mad Thabii, Muslims can recite the Quran with proper pronunciation and honor its message.

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