The Importance Of Doa Sesudah Solat Duha

July 14, 2023

Solat Sunat Dhuha Doa
Solat Sunat Dhuha Doa from


Duha prayer is a voluntary prayer that can be performed anytime between after the sun has risen until before the sun reaches its zenith. It is a sunnah prayer that has great rewards for those who perform it sincerely. After performing the duha prayer, it is recommended to recite a special prayer known as doa sesudah solat duha. In this article, we will discuss the importance of this prayer and its benefits.

The Meaning of Doa Sesudah Solat Duha

The doa sesudah solat duha is a prayer that consists of various supplications and praises to Allah. It begins with the phrase “Allahumma inni as’aluka ridhaaka wal jannah” which means “O Allah, I ask for Your pleasure and Paradise”. This prayer is recited to express gratitude and seek blessings from Allah for performing the duha prayer.

The Benefits of Doa Sesudah Solat Duha

Reciting the doa sesudah solat duha has numerous benefits. Firstly, it is a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah for any sins committed knowingly or unknowingly. Secondly, it is a way of expressing gratitude to Allah for His blessings and bounties. Thirdly, it is a means of seeking protection from any harm or evil that may come our way. Lastly, it is a way of asking Allah for guidance and success in both this world and the hereafter.

The Virtues of Duha Prayer

Performing the duha prayer has great rewards and virtues. According to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever prays duha, his sins will be forgiven even if they are like the foam of the sea”. This hadith highlights the importance and significance of the duha prayer. Therefore, it is highly recommended to perform this prayer and recite the doa sesudah solat duha afterwards.

The Time for Duha Prayer

As mentioned earlier, the duha prayer can be performed anytime between after the sun has risen until before the sun reaches its zenith. The time for this prayer is approximately 15-20 minutes after sunrise. It is recommended to perform this prayer regularly as it has numerous benefits and rewards.


In conclusion, the doa sesudah solat duha is a special prayer that is recited after performing the duha prayer. It has great rewards and benefits for those who recite it sincerely. Therefore, it is important to make it a habit to perform the duha prayer and recite this special prayer afterwards. May Allah accept our prayers and grant us His blessings and mercy. Ameen.

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