The Prophets Who Softened Iron

June 23, 2023

Doa Nabi Daud Untuk Pengasihan Meluluhkan dan Melembutkan Hati
Doa Nabi Daud Untuk Pengasihan Meluluhkan dan Melembutkan Hati from

Iron is a metal that is known for its strength, durability, and toughness. It is used in a wide range of applications, from construction and manufacturing to transportation and medicine. However, there are some historical accounts of iron being softened by the power of faith, specifically by some of the Prophets mentioned in the holy scriptures. Here are some of the stories of the Prophets who softened iron:

Prophet Dawud (David)

According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Dawud was known for his strength and skill in metalworking. One day, while he was working on a piece of iron, it became too hard for him to shape. He then prayed to Allah to soften the iron for him, and miraculously, the iron became as soft as clay. He was able to shape it with his hands and make it into a suit of armor.

Prophet Dawud

Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)

Prophet Sulaiman is also known for his wisdom and strength. One of the stories told about him is that he was once traveling with his army when they came across a valley that had a pool of molten copper. His soldiers were unable to cross the valley because the copper was too hot and would burn their feet. Prophet Sulaiman then prayed to Allah to make the copper cool and solidify, and it became like a solid bridge that they could cross.

Prophet Sulaiman

Prophet Musa (Moses)

In the Jewish and Christian traditions, Prophet Musa is known for his leadership and his role in freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. In the Islamic tradition, he is also known for his miracles, including the ability to soften iron. One story tells of how he was once confronted by a tyrannical ruler who had a suit of iron armor that he was wearing. Prophet Musa prayed to Allah to soften the iron, and the ruler was unable to move or fight back, allowing Prophet Musa to defeat him.

Prophet Musa


While these stories may seem fantastical to some, they are a reminder of the power of faith and the belief in a higher power. The Prophets mentioned in these stories were not only able to perform miracles but were also known for their wisdom, leadership, and compassion. Their stories continue to inspire people of different faiths and backgrounds to this day.

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