Mastering The Basic Technique Of Passing In Volleyball

August 20, 2023

Teknik Passing Bawah dalam Bola Voli Halaman all
Teknik Passing Bawah dalam Bola Voli Halaman all from


Volleyball is a popular sport that requires teamwork, coordination, and technique to win. One of the essential techniques in volleyball is passing. Passing is the ability to receive the ball from the opponent's serve or spike and send it to your teammate for a set or attack. In this article, we will discuss the basic technique of passing underhand, also known as 'teknik dasar passing bawah' in Indonesian, which is a fundamental skill that every volleyball player should master.


1. Proper Stance

The first thing to do when passing is to assume the proper stance. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and slightly bend your knees. Keep your body weight balanced on both feet to provide stability. Your arms should be in front of you, forming a triangle, with your thumbs and index fingers touching to make a solid surface for the ball to hit.

2. Eye Contact

Before the ball is served, make eye contact with your server to anticipate the direction of the ball. Keep your eyes on the ball as it approaches you, and focus on its speed and trajectory.

3. Body Movement

As the ball approaches you, move your body towards the ball, and position yourself to receive it. Lean forward, and use your leg muscles to push off the ground to create momentum. Keep your arms firm and move them towards the ball to make contact.

4. Contact Point

The contact point is crucial in passing. You want to contact the ball with your forearms, making sure that the ball hits the middle of your arms. Keep your wrists firm, and your elbows together to create a flat surface for the ball to hit. Make sure to make contact with the ball at the height of your hips.

5. Follow Through

After making contact with the ball, follow through with your arms, and direct the ball towards your target. Keep your thumbs pointed down and your arms straight to ensure accuracy and control.

6. Communication

Communication is vital in volleyball. As the passer, you need to communicate with your teammates to let them know if you are going to pass the ball or if it's their turn. Use verbal and nonverbal cues to communicate effectively.

7. Practice

Practice is the key to mastering passing. Incorporate passing drills into your training regimen to develop your passing skills. Work on your footwork, body position, and ball contact to improve your technique.

8. Anticipation

Anticipating the direction of the ball is essential in passing. Watch your opponent's movements and adjust your position accordingly. Anticipate the speed and trajectory of the ball to make accurate passes.

9. Game Situation

In a game situation, passing is crucial in maintaining possession of the ball. Practice passing under pressure, and develop your decision-making skills to make effective passes. Remember to stay calm and focused, and communicate with your teammates.

10. Conclusion

In conclusion, mastering the basic technique of passing in volleyball is essential for every player. Remember to assume the proper stance, make eye contact, move your body, contact the ball at the right point, follow through, communicate effectively, practice, anticipate, and perform under pressure. Incorporate these techniques into your training regimen, and you'll be on your way to becoming a successful passer in volleyball.

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