Understanding The Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh

August 16, 2023

Niat Sholat Qobliyah Subuh Arab dan Artinya iqra.id
Niat Sholat Qobliyah Subuh Arab dan Artinya iqra.id from iqra.id

The Importance of Sunnah Prayers

As Muslim, we are encouraged to perform Sunnah prayers in addition to our obligatory five daily prayers. Sunnah prayers are voluntary and are performed to gain extra blessings and rewards from Allah. One of the most important Sunnah prayers is the Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh.

What is Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh?

The Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh is a supplication that is recited after performing the two Sunnah prayers before the obligatory Fajr prayer. It is a powerful supplication that seeks Allah's protection and guidance for the day ahead.

The Meaning of Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh

The Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh is recited in Arabic and its meaning is as follows:

"O Allah, bless us in our hearing and sight, in our hearts, in our wives and children, in our homes, in our wealth, in our livelihoods, in our bodies, in our souls. O Allah, grant us health in our bodies, contentment in our hearts, and provision that is pure and lawful."

The Benefits of Reciting Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh

Reciting the Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh has numerous benefits. Firstly, it helps to protect us from harm and evil throughout the day. Secondly, it helps to purify our intentions and actions for the day ahead. Thirdly, it helps to increase our faith and strengthen our connection with Allah.

How to Recite Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh

The Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh is recited after performing the two Sunnah prayers before the obligatory Fajr prayer. It is recited silently and can be recited in any position, such as standing, sitting, or prostrating.


The Doa Sholat Sunnah Qobliyah Subuh is a powerful supplication that seeks Allah's protection and guidance for the day ahead. By reciting this supplication, we can gain numerous benefits and blessings from Allah. As Muslims, it is important to make a habit of performing Sunnah prayers and reciting supplications such as this one.


  • https://islamqa.info/en/answers/197987/the-meaning-of-the-duaa-that-is-said-before-fajr-prayer
  • https://www.islamicfinder.org/news/the-importance-of-sunnah-prayers/

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